Blog di Viaggio in Tibet Cina
Qui Greatway Tour condivide informazioni e storie sul viaggio e sul trekking in Tibet, nonché sulla natura e la cultura del Tibet.
Esplorazione a Huanglong e Jiuzhaigou
Dal 17 al 18 giugno 2020, un gruppo di 10 consolati di Germania, Austria, Svizzera, Stati Uniti, Australia, Singapore, ecc. A Chengdu è arrivato nella prefettura autonoma di Aba del Tibetan e della minoranza Qiang per scoprire due dei parchi nazionali più belli di Cina: Jiuzhaigou (Patrimonio Naturale Mondiale dell'UNESCO dal 1992) e Huanglong (Patrimonio Naturale Mondiale...
The Most Dangerous Railway in the World – Sichuan-Tibet Railway
Sichuan-Tibet Railway Company was founded in 10th January, 2020, which is a simple of an important step for Sichuan-Tibet Railway building. It is an important railway from hinterland to Tibet after Qinghai-Tibet Railway. With 1629 kilometers long and 200 kilometers per hour designed top speed, Sichuan-Tibet Railway is start from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, via Ya’an, Kangding,...
Zhangmu Border was re-opened in 2019!
At 14:00 on May 29, 2019, the Zhangmu border was been put into trial operation, but it only resumed its freight transport function. The two sides of China and Nepal hold a ceremony to restore the Friendship Bridge at the rebuilt Zhangmu Port to witness this important moment.   Zhangmu border had undertaken more than 90% of the amount of the border trade between China and Nepal, and it is...
Dunhuang Railway is fully opened on December 18, 2019
With six years of construction, a total length of 671 kilometers and a design speed of 120 kilometers per hour, Dunhuang Railway was fully opened on December 18, 2019. It is a single-track, electrified, class I railroad and is the only one “long bridge” that crosses active desert area.
Self-driving Group Tour Crossing China from Mongolia to Laos 10.10 - 02.11.2016
From 10.10.2016, there are 20 valuable guests (4 cute children among them) with 8 vehicles traveling crossing China from Mongolia to Laos. Welcome more travelers joining in us! Everyone is looking forward to this special self-driving travel group crossing China, and they hope to meet new friends from different countries and different places. Today we’re very glad to receive following...
Border port Jilong (Kyirong) between Tibet/China and Nepal reopened
As officially announced, the border port Jilong (Kyirong) - Rasuwa Ghadhi between Tibet/China and Nepal has been reopened on 30.08.2017. From now on people or vehicles coming from a third country are allowed to travel/drive through
Group tour to Shaman Festival and Horse Racing Festival in East Tibet Amdo-Kham 2017
Accompanied by Mr. Professor Foerst, our cooperating partner from Austria, 18 distinguished guests returned to their hometown at the end of July. Today we received the feedback of the festival experience tour from 15th to 29th July in East Tibet Amdo-Kham:   Lieber Herr Liao, liebe Frau Zhu, Wieder eine erfolgreiche Reise mit Ihnen!! Vielen Dank für die sehr guten Hotels, die sich...
Discovery tour during the Tibetan New Year Losar in Eastern Tibetan cultural area Amdo in Province Qinghai and Gansu
In the last January 2017, we cooperated for the first time with an active Austrian travel agency who organizes special theme tours successfully. It was a discovery tour during the Tibetan New Year Losar in Eastern Tibetan cultural area Amdo in Province Qinghai and Gansu. The group has returned home safely. Mr. Prof. Hans Foerst, the group leader, who is also the organizer, sent us his feedback...
Self-driving Private Tour Crossing China from Laos to Kyrgyzstan 24.02 - 17.03.2016
The self-driving family Moser entered China from Mohan border in time on February 24, 2016, and everything went smoothly.  Because the relevant departments didn’t coordinate well with each other after the new rules being published, the group didn’t leave China on March 17 as scheduled, and they exit into Kyrgyzstan on March 18. We are very honored to publish here some...
Group tour during Monlam Festival (Losar) in East Tibet Amdo 2016
In February 2016, 10 valued clients, 8 Dutch and 2 German, have joined our Discovery Tour during Monlam Festival (Losar) in Tongren, Xiahe and Langmusi. The trip has successfully completed, and all the clients were very impressed. We are very glad to receive following feedback from Lia: On behalf of the entire Dutch group we want to tell you that we had a very nice trip. We were very pleased...


Pensiamo che otterrai il tuo viaggio preferito in Tibet qui. Certo, possiamo pianificare il tuo viaggio privato secondo questi viggi del Tibet e le serie dell'escursionismo del Tibet, abbiamo solo bisogno di un'idea approssimativa dei tuoi interessi, desideri, richieste...
I viaggi su misura di Greatway sono realizzati con cura per offrire avventure ed escursioni culturali e naturali personalizzati in Tibet, Cina. Creiamo esperienze straordinarie e arricchenti solo per te.